Gastrointestinal infection (GI) - September 16, 2022
FecalSwab™ is now validated on BD Enteric Portfolio for BD MAX™ System
FecalSwab™ Collection, Transport and Preservation System is now validated on BD enteric portfolio for BD MAX™ System
Our enteric portfolio is ever evolving to meet your needs!
BD has recently validated the FecalSwab™ specimen as a sample alternative to help enable flexible gastroenteritis testing and continuously adapt to customers’ requirements. This new type of sample is approved on the full BD MAX™ enteric suite: BD MAX™ Enteric Bacterial and Extended Bacterial Panels, BD MAX™ Enteric Viral Panel, BD MAX™ Enteric Viral Panel-NR and BD MAX™ Enteric Parasite Panel.
With the targeted syndromic approach of the BD enteric portfolio for the BD MAX™ System, you can now benefit from the flexibility of its menu covering pathogens responsible for more than 90% of infectious diarrhea1, as well as the option to test from both FecalSwab™ and stool samples alike.
This new claim available on BD enteric portfolio is a key milestone to further support the ease of sample preparation introducing the possibility for specimen pipetting and reinforces the ease of use on the BD MAX™ System.
This consolidation of sample types across molecular and culture testing is also one step forward towards the BD vision of the integration of molecular testing within the automated microbiology workflow supported by BD Kiestra™.
FecalSwab™ incorporates a modified Cary-Blair medium specifically designed for the recovery, preservation and detection of enteric pathogens that is mainly sold and distributed by BD and Copan.
1.Sidoti F, Rittà M, Costa C, et al. Diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis : limits and potential of currently available procedures. J Infect Dev Ctries 2015;9:551-561.